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When Data becomes available in the Archive

Drought is a phenomena that can be measured by monitoring rainfall and vegetation activity. In contrast to Floods or Storms, Drought is a creeping disaster that becomes worse when rainfall continues to miss or heat is continuing to persist.

Drought can damage the harvest if it coincides with the growth season of crops. Therefore we are building up archives of meteorology data. These data become available with slight delays with respect to the current day. The extent of the delays depend on a series of factors. In this table we will only state the delay allowing the user of our data services to understand when he can expect new data.

Data Frequency Delay Remark
Precipitation Monthly up to 4 days Day 4 of the month for the previous month!
Standard Precipatation Index SPI of Weather stations in Europe Monthly up to 2 days 6 Hours after arriving of Rainfall data of Weather stations.
Standard Precipitation Index of Interpolated grid cells of 25 km for Europe 10 Days up to 2 days 6 Hours after arriving of Rainfall data of day 10, 20 and the last day of the month
Heatwaves, Europe Daily up to 3 days Processing every day on data arriving 2 days after event occurred.
Heatwaves, World Daily up to 6 days Processing every day on data arriving 6 days after event occured
SPI world wide, 1/4 decimal degree Monthly up to 6 days Depends on arriving of ERA5 data
fAPAR (fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation) 10 Days 7 days after VIIRS Anomaly based on time series from 2012 to system date minus 1 year
Soil Moisture 10 Days 3 days Anomaly based on time series 1995 up to system date minus 1 year

In January of each year the anomalies for Soil Moisture and fAPAR are reprocessed in order to include the last complete year in the averages and standard deviations. Therefore during January you can experience small variations in values if you visit the site on different days.


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