EURL-FA - EURL for feed additives - European Commission Skip to main content
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EURL-FA - EURL for feed additives

Feed additives are an integral part of modern animal husbandry combining high performance in production with animal health and welfare. Such additives may not be put on the market without pre-market authorisation by the European Commission. Authorisation can only be granted after a scientific evaluation demonstrating the efficacy of the additive and the absence of harmful effects to human and animal health, and to the environment.

The JRC hosted EU-RL for Feed Additives does not only perform complementary work by assessing the validity of analytical methods for the analysis of feed additives for the authorisation process, but also coordinates the network of NRLs. The task of the EURL for feed additives, established in 2004, is to evaluate the analytical method for detection and quantification as proposed by the applicant for authorisation.

The authorisation can only be granted after a scientific evaluation demonstrating that the additive has no harmful effects on human and animal health and on the environment. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is responsible for conducting the scientific evaluation prior to authorisation.

In this task EFSA is assisted by an European Union Reference Laboratory (former Community Reference Laboratory) for additives for use in animal nutrition - EURL for Feed Additives.

The administrative and technical guidance documents prepared by the EURL for applicants seeking authorisation for feed additives are provided in the page Guidance for Applicants.


Regulation (EC) No 1831/2003 on additives for use in animal nutrition nominates the Joint Research Centre (JRC) as the EURL for Feed Additives and its Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (IRMM) has taken up the task.

Regulation (EC) No 378/2005, as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 885/2009, details the rules for the implementation of Regulation (EC) No 1831/2003 and provides the practical conditions for the duties and tasks of the EURL.

Additional tasks are assigned to the EURL by Regulation (EC) No 882/2004 (repealed and replaced by Regulation (EU) 2017/625) on official controls performed to ensure the verification of compliance with feed and food law, animal health and animal welfare rules. In accordance with this regulation, sampling and analysis in the context of official controls are carried out by official laboratories designated by competent authorities in each Member State.

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