The EU Soil Observatory (EUSO) will be a main source of scientific publications and official JRC reports on soil-related matters.
These publications will be in addition to, and complement, the EUSO data, indicators and dashboards.
Maps and documents
The European Soil Data Centre (ESDAC) contains sections on maps and documents.
It also hosts a unique collection of thousands of soil-related maps from all continents, including National Soil Maps in the European Digital Archive of Soil Maps (EUDASM)
ESDAC showcases a good collection of peer-review publications (by ESDAC staff) and technical reports of which many have been elaborated in collaboration with members of the European Soil Bureau Network.
Soil Atlases
ESDAC also provides access to the JRC Soil Atlas series, which have been produced for Europe, Africa (in English and French), Latin America and the Caribbean (in Spanish, Portuguese and English), the Northern Circumpolar Region and on soil biodiversity (European and Global versions).
The Soil Atlas for Asia and the Chinese translation of the Global Soil Biodiversity Atlas are being prepared.