Education and training
There is no degree in the nuclear field and only the University of Luxembourg/Université de Luxembourg offers a course, Atomic and Nuclear Physics.
The Radiation Physics Laboratory and the Research Unit in Engineering Science of the University of Luxembourg/Université de Luxembourg are involved in the nuclear research field.
The European Commission’s DG Energy has two Directorates in Luxembourg in the nuclear field dealing with Nuclear Safeguards and with Environment, Nuclear Safety and Civil Protection.
Finally, Luxembourg belongs to the Belgium Netherlands Luxembourg Nuclear Receptor society (BNL-NR) - an association which tries to coordinate all Nuclear Receptor researches within the Benelux countries.
Human resources and knowledge management
Traditionally Luxembourg has had a non-nuclear policy and does not have a nuclear power programme. However, it does have a public body in charge of nuclear matters: the Division de Radioprotection/Radioprotection Department of the Minister of Health/Ministère de la Santé, which assumes the major responsibility for nuclear matters in collaboration with other government departments such as the Work and Mines Inspection Department/Inspection du Travail et des Mines.