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DigCompEdu translation and use

To translate DigCompEdu, please follow the recommendations in this template.

Policy for reproduction and reuse

The DigCompEdu report is available for reuse, according to the Commission Reuse Decision. You can reuse it (copy, redistribute it in any medium or format, adapt, translate, remix, transform and build on it) without limitations as long as you:

  • Acknowledge the source of the report,
  • e.g. DigCompEdu report and, if possible, provide a link to it (e.g.!gt63ch)
  • Do not distort the original meaning of the document.

Reuse in a manner calculated to deceive or to defraud is not authorised.

The European Commission is not liable for any consequences stemming from the reuse.

Rules on modifications and translations

Please note that if you modify, adapt or translate the DigCompEdu framework, you are not allowed to include the logo of the European Commission in the document.

In addition, you are recommended to:

  • Indicate the changes made, the responsible author(s) and/or organisation(s);
  • Declare that the Commission is not responsible for the translation and avoid to imply or suggest that the Commission endorses your version of the document;
  • Avoid reproducing unique identifiers (e.g. ISBN, doi) for purposes other than to refer to the original document.

We would suggest the following example for a copyright notice:

"First published, in English, in 2017, as "European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators: DigCompEdu" by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre, EUR 28775 EN, ISBN 978-92-79-73494-6, doi:10.2760/159770, JRC107466,!gt63ch.

This translation is the responsibility of (insert name or organisation).

The European Commission is not responsible for this translation and cannot be held liable for any consequence stemming from its use."

In case of doubt, please contact: JRC-DIGCOMPEDUatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (JRC-DIGCOMPEDU[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu).