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DigComp Implementation Guides

The JRC has developed some guides to support stakeholders’ implementation of the DigComp framework in different contexts of education and training, employment and social inclusion.

DigComp into Action: Get inspired, make it happen. A user guide to the European Digital Competence Framework

This 2018 Guide supports stakeholders in the implementation of the European Digital Competence Framework (DigComp) through sharing of 38 existing inspiring practices of DigComp implementations. These are illustrated by 50 content items consisting of Case studies and Tools. The list of examples provided in the Guide’s annex is not exhaustive and aims to illustrate the wide range of DigComp implementation practices.

13 OCTOBER 2022
DigComp into Action: Get inspired, make it happen. A user guide to the European Digital Competence Framework


DigComp at Work report

This 2020 report and its accompanying Implementation Guide (published separately) support stakeholders in the implementation of the European Digital Competence Frame work (DigComp) in contexts of employability and employment through the analysis and sharing of 9 existing inspiring practices and related resources of DigComp implementations. The list of examples provided in the Report´s Annex is not exhaustive and aims to illustrate the wide range of DigComp implementation practices.

13 OCTOBER 2022
DigComp at Work


DigComp at Work Implementation Guide

The 2020 Implementation Guide accompanies the 'DigComp at Work' report published separately. It aims at supporting labour market intermediaries in their digital skilling actions in employability or employment contexts. It offers specific guidelines, examples, tips and useful resources for the use of DigComp for defining specific job's digital competence needs, for assessing digital competences and for cataloguing, developing and delivering training on digital competences.

13 OCTOBER 2022
DigComp at Work Implementation Guide


Developing digital competence for employability: Engaging and supporting stakeholders with the use of DigComp

Digital competence has become crucial for employability. A key challenge is for employees and job-seekers, who may not have experience or confidence with their digital skills yet the nature of their jobs, the sectors they work in and their lives are increasingly influenced by digitalisation. This report, based on the outcomes of a stakeholders’ consultation workshop in 2019, aims to provide some light to the question of which policy options could, in a practical and effective way, encourage and support labour market intermediaries in their digital skilling actions, with the use of DigComp. The report has been prepared through a collaborative work between the European Commission Joint Research Centre, the Basque Government and a set of experts, on behalf of, and in collaboration with Directorate General of Employment, Social affairs and Inclusion.

13 OCTOBER 2022
Developing digital competence for employability: Engaging and supporting stakeholders with the use of DigComp