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DigComp Governance and Collaboration

The DigComp framework is governed using a multi-stakeholder model where DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion and JRC lead the management and quality assurance. Further collaboration takes place with a wider set of stakeholders and "end users"

Getting involved with DigComp

Shaping DigComp into a practical tool is done through the active involvement of people from the education and training sector, the labour market and the social partners as well as the industry (including the ICT industry).

Anyone interested in becoming involved or learning more about how to develop DigComp can contact the team directly (JRC-DIGCOMPatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (JRC-DIGCOMP[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)) or join the DigComp Community of Practice hosted by All Digital.

Versioning of DigComp

Changes are needed to keep the DigComp framework up-to-date and relevant to modern day challenges. They take place in every 2-4 years in order to minimise any excessive efforts needed from stakeholders to implement or adopt the DigComp framework.

A sequential numbering scheme of two numbers (major.minor) is used to keep track of different versions of DigComp. When there is, for example, a significance change in the conceptual reference model, the first sequence (major) is changed (i.e. 1.0 to 2.0). On the other hand, when varying some aspects (e.g. in Dimension 3, 4 and/or 5), the changes to the sequence after the first number are made to represent changes (minor).

Changes always take place based on on-going scientific research and feedback received through some form of stakeholder consultation.

  • version published in 2013 is DigComp 1.0 which proposed the first conceptual model with three proficiency levels, a list of examples for two selected purposes (learning and employment);
  • version published in June 2016 is DigComp 2.0 and includes an update of the conceptual model and new vocabulary;
  • version published in May 2017 is DigComp 2.1 and includes an update of proficiency levels to 8 levels and new examples;
  • version published in March 2022 is DigComp2.2 and includes new examples to take into account the impact of the new technological and social developments such as AI, datification, misinformation and disinformation, Internet of Things, Telework, security and safety and sustainability.

Competence frameworks derived from DigComp

The DigComp framework can be used as a base to develop a digital competence framework for a specific context. This is considered as being a derivative work of DigComp.

Two derivative frameworks were developed in 2016, one for consumers in collaboration with DG JUST (DigCompConsumers) and the other one for educators in collaboration with DG EAC (DigCompEdu).