d'Artis Kancs - European Commission
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d'Artis Kancs

Team Leader of the Regional Economic Modelling project. Senior scientist in dynamic general equilibrium modelling, spatial econometrics, international trade, labour migration, digital economy, energy and environmental economics.

d'Artis Kancs in European Parliament


d'Artis is a senior economist and lead scientist at the European Commission, Directorate-General (DG) Joint Research Centre. Currently, d'Artis serves as Member of the International Model Review Panel examining models used for the EU policy support at the European Commission. The latest model review report of the SYstemic Model of Banking Originated Losses (SYMBOL).

d'Artis is scientifically contributing to improving the EU legislation, by providing EU policy makers with an evidence-based scientific support on the macroeconomic and financial modelling, migration, inequality and fairness, employment and growth, international trade, regional development, land markets, renewable energy, environment, transport, virtual currencies, R&D and innovation.

d'Artis joined the DG Joint Research Centre as modeller, developing and applying macroeconomic models for the EU policy support. Since then, he has been leading several modelling teams at the European Commission, including the macroeconomic modelling team in Sevilla, Spain and the European Commission's Centre on Modelling in Ispra, Italy. Before joining the European Commission, d'Artis has held various teaching and research positions in universities and research institutes in the UK, Germany, Austria, USA and Belgium. He received PhD from the London School of Economics.


Economic and Monetary Union

Agglomeration and Dispersion in Space 2018 Wiley

Beyond the Austerity Dispute 2016 Banca d'Italia

EU Regions and Sectors 2016 European Commission

Investment Crowding Out 2016 Taylor & Francis

Macroeconomic Impacts of Labour Market Integration 2016 European Commission

EU Regions and Sectors 2016 European Commission

Assessing the Impact of Cohesion Policy 2015 Wiley

Policy Options for the EU Cohesion Policy 2014 RegionalScience

Job Creation and Job Destruction in EU 2012 Elsevier

Heterogeneous Firms and Loan Defaults 2013 Aeconf

Additionality in the EU Cohesion Policies 2013 Taylor & Francis

Data Needs for Regional 2013 European Commission

Policy Instruments of the EU Cohesion Policy 2010 European Commission

Integration Affect the Structure of Industries 2007 Taylor & Francis

Efficiency of European Funds 2005 Taylor & Francis

Assessment of Spatial Economic Impacts 2002 Dortmund

Predicting European Enlargement Impacts 2001 Taylor & Francis


European Green Deal

Decoupled Payments’ Capitalisation into Land Values 2018 Wiley

New Regulations Governing Land Sales 2017 European Commission

Land Markets in Europe 2016 Taylor & Francis

Environmental Impact of Biofuels 2015 Elsevier

Income Distributional Effects 2015 Sage

Land Capitalisation in the European Union 2014 Oxford

Bioenergy and Global Land-Use Change 2014 Taylor & Francis

Capitalisation of the Single Payment Scheme 2014 Wisconsin

Land Use Change Impacts of Biofuels 2012 Elsevier

Food Standards and Welfare 2012 Wiley

Capitalisation of Area Payments 2012 Wiley

Food, Energy and Environment 2011 Elsevier

Interdependencies in Energy-Bioenergy-Food 2011 Elsevier

Impact of Food Price Shock 2011 Wiley

Credit Constraints, Heterogeneous Farms 2011 Sage

Functioning of Land Markets in the EU 2010 European Commission

Distributional Effects of Decoupled Payments 2008 Leibniz

Evaluation of Renewable Energy Policies 2007 Elsevier

Structural Change in Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods 2007 Leibniz

Evaluation of Renewable Energy Policies 2006 McMaster

Appraisal of Renewable Energy Strategies 2002 InderScience

Agricultural Policies 2001 Leibniz

Sectoral Competitiveness 2001 Nomos



Social, Economic and Fiscal Effects of Immigration 2018 Wiley

Migration to the EU 2016 European Commission

Migration and Regional Labour Markets 2014 Sejong

Participation, Employment and Migration Decisions 2014 RegionalScience

Labour Migration in the Enlarged EU 2011 Taylor & Francis

Impact of the EU Blue Card Policy 2010 Wiley

European Integration and Labour Migration 2010 Ecsa

Education in the East, Emigrating to the West 2010 Cambridge

Blue Cards, Blue Prospects 2007 Leibniz

Economic Geography of Labour Migration 2006 Elsevier

Predict Migration Flows 2005 Transnational

Migration in the Enlarged European Union 2002 Taylor & Francis



EIT Investments in Innovation and Human Capital 2019 European Commission

Employment Effect of Innovation 2019 Springer

R&D and Non-linear Productivity Growth 2016 Elsevier

R&D and Innovation Policies 2015 European Commission

European Union's R&D Policies 2015 Taylor & Francis

R&D and Innovation Policies 2015 European Commission

Factor Allocation and Farm Productivity 2014 Emerald

Productivity and Credit Constraints 2012 AkademiaiKiado

Flow of Knowledge and Human Capital 2011 InderScience


Equality of Opportunity

Universal Basic Income 2019 Wiley

Employment and Social Developments 2019 European Commission

Marginalisation of Roma 2019 Cambridge

Social Mobility Barriers for Roma 2018 Cambridge

Social and Economic Marginalisation 2016 European Commission


Digital Economy

Price of BitCoin 2018 European Commission

BitCoin and Altcoin Markets 2017 Elsevier

Digital Agenda of Virtual Currencies 2016 Springer

Economics of BitCoin Price Formation 2014 Taylor & Francis


Free Trade Agreements

Welfare Gains from the Variety Growth 2019 European Commission

Inter-Regional Trade Flows 2014 European Commission

Factor Content of Heterogeneous Firm Trade 2012 Wiley

Factor Content in Agricultural Trade 2011 Genova

Gains from Trade Integration in Asia 2010 Wiley

Variety Gains of Trade Integration 2010 Leibniz

Factor Content of Bilateral Trade 2010 Wiley

Trade Growth in a Heterogeneous Firm 2007 Wiley


Rule of Law

Rise and Fall of Enforcement Institutions 2012 Cambridge