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EU Science Hub
Call for proposalsClosed

PAMEC, Properties of Actinide Materials under Extreme Conditions (ActUsLab)

The Properties of Actinide Materials under Extreme Conditions (PAMEC) facility consists of an ensemble of state-of-the-art installations designed for basic research on behaviour and properties of actinide materials under extreme conditions.


Publication date
2 February 2022 in Karlsruhe, Germany
Opening date
Deadline model
Deadline date
7 October 2019, 02:00 (CEST)


The Properties of Actinide Materials under Extreme Conditions (PAMEC) facility consists of an ensemble of state-of-the-art installations designed for basic research on behaviour and properties of actinide materials under extreme conditions of temperature, pressure, external magnetic field and chemical environment. The facility includes devices for measurements of crystallographic, magnetic, electrical transport, and thermodynamical properties as well as facilities for Np-237 Mössbauer spectroscopy, and a modular surface science spectroscopy station allowing photoemission, atomic force microscopy, and electron scattering measurements.


Priority topics of PAMEC

  1. Preparation of actinide compounds and complexes in various forms (Thin films, bulk polycristals, single crystals) and small quantities, suitable for physical measurements.
  2. Characterization of actinide materials by X-ray diffraction
  3. Measurements of their Physical Properties by a large array of microscopic and macroscopic techniques under extreme conditions of temperature, magnetic field and pressure.
  4. Preparation of samples for external measurements in large facilities (synchrotrons, neutron sources, accelerators).
  5. Fundamental research on materials and methods related to nuclear safety

Definition and conditions of access

Access to the research infrastructure is granted on the basis of Access Units. For PAMEC, the Access Unit corresponds to a 'Measurement day' made available for the experimental activities.

Physical access to the laboratories is restricted to opening hours but, in certain conditions, automatic measurements can be performed when the laboratories are closed. The Users can use the JRC in-house equipment with the help of JRC staff. Employment of User's own equipment is not recommended in the JRC radioactive laboratories, because of the strict radiation protection rules in force at JRC Karlsruhe. If the use of own equipment is necessary, this has to be indicated and duly justified in the proposal and should be coordinated already a few weeks before the scheduled laboratory time. Users can only participate in experiments led in the PAMEC laboratory by in-house staff scientists or technicians.

All users will be requested to complete and deliver safety and security-related documents to get access to the radioactive hot laboratories. Approval of access is subject to the rules of the European Commission, the Joint Research Centre and the German authorities. Submission of documents should therefore be started in due time to allow completion of the approval procedure well before the start of the experiment.

  • Estimated total number of Measurement Days allocated to the call: 75*
  • Average number of Measurement Days per Project: 10-15
  • Estimated costs excluding consumables and expenses:
    • Research infrastructure operated by JRC staff: 0€ / Day
    • Research infrastructure operated by users: Not possible

* A total of 150 Measurement Days will be allocated to the PAMEC and FMR laboratories

Allocation of intellectual property rights:

  • The JRC and the entitled party (person or organisation that has been granted access) become co-owners in equal shares of all raw data, treated data and documentation data developed with respect to the access.

Eligibility criteria

Selection criteria

Any proposal will be scrutinised in accordance with weighted selection criteria such as:

  • Scientific implementation
  • Collaboration and access to new Users
  • Strategic relevance to the JRC
  • Strategic importance for Europe

How to apply

The proposal must be prepared by using the template given in Annex 3.1 of the Framework and its annexes

During preparation of the proposal, applicants are encouraged to:

The proposal should be submitted to JRC-RI-OPEN-ACCESSatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (JRC-RI-OPEN-ACCESS[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu) by the closing date of the call.

Communication of the assessment of proposals:2019-11-28 00:00:00

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