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  • Call for proposals
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GELINA, Neutron time-of-flight facility for high-resolution neutron measurements (EUFRAT)

GELINA is a 150 MeV electron accelerator serving as strong white neutron source for high resolution neutron time-of-flight measurements.


Publication date
2 February 2022 in Geel, Belgium
Opening date
Deadline model
Deadline date
1 November 2019, 01:00 (CET)


GELINA is a 150 MeV electron accelerator serving as strong white neutron source for high resolution neutron time-of-flight measurements. The facility covers the energy range from thermal to 15 MeV, has unsurpassed time resolution of less than 2 ns (FWHM) and serves an array of flight paths up to 400 m long on which as many as 10 experiments can be carried out simultaneously. GELINA also allows use of the high radiation field in the target hall.


Priority topics of GELINA

  1. Neutron cross-section measurements for safety assessments of present-day and innovative nuclear energy systems.
  2. Measurements of nuclear data standards.
  3. Investigations for a better understanding of the nuclear fission process.
  4. Advanced methods in nuclear technologies, safety and security.
  5. Exploratory research for the development of new scientific concepts, testing of new equipment or radiation transport.
  6. Basic physics.

Definition and conditions of access

Access to the research infrastructure is granted on the basis of Access Units. For GELINA, the Access Unit corresponds to a 'Measurement week' made available for the experimental activities. GELINA operates on a 24h/24h 5 days per week basis. An Access Unit is about 100 hours of beam time and includes the time to build up and to dismantle the experimental set-up (if needed). Depending on the proposed experiment users can use their own equipment, JRC in-house equipment or a combination of both. This has to be indicated in the proposal and should be coordinated already a few weeks before the scheduled beam time. Preferentially, the users must collaborate closely with an in-house staff scientist (a local scientific contact) who is familiar with the facility and the in-house equipment.

All users will be requested to complete and deliver safety and security-related documents to get access to the nuclear facilities at GELINA. Approval of access is subject to the rules of the European Commission, the Joint Research Centre and the Belgian authorities. Submission of documents should therefore be started in time to allow completion of the approval procedure well before the start of the experiment.

  • Estimated total number of Measurement weeks allocated to the call: 30
  • Average number of Measurement weeks per Project: 4
  • Estimated costs excluding consumables and expenses:
    • Research infrastructure operated by JRC staff: 0 € / Measurement week
    • Research infrastructure operated by users: Not possible

Allocation of intellectual property rights:

The JRC and the entitled party (person or organisation that has been granted access) become co-owners in equal shares of all raw data, treated data and documentation data developed with respect to the access.

Eligibility criteria

Selection criteria

Any proposal will be scrutinised in accordance with weighted selection criteria such as:

  • Scientific implementation
  • Access to SMEs and new Users
  • Strategic relevance to the JRC
  • Strategic importance for Europe

How to apply

The proposal must be prepared by using the template given in Annex 3.1 of the Framework.

If the proposal includes a request to prepare a target at JRC, the Lead User must also fill in the EUFRAT Target preparation request and follow the instructions at the end of the form when submitting the proposal.

During preparation of the proposal, applicants are encouraged to:

For GELINA the Lead User must also fill in the EUFRAT (GELINA) Facility Specifications Form following the instructions at the end of the form when submitting the proposal.

For GELINA, the Lead User must also fill in the EUFRAT Target preparation request.

The proposal should be submitted to JRC-RI-OPEN-ACCESSatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (JRC-RI-OPEN-ACCESS[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu) by the closing date of the call.

Communication of the assessment of proposals:2020-01-06 00:00:00

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