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BounCE4ward publications and conferences

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Scientific publications

Scientific articles published by the BounCE4ward team.

Role of solar PV in net-zero growth: An analysis of international manufacturers and policies

Authors: ARCIPOWSKA, Aleksandra; BLANCO PEREZ, Sara; JAKIMÓW, Małgorzata; BALDASSARRE, Brian; POLVERINI, Davide; CABRERA, Miguel

A model to assess the environmental and economic impacts of municipal waste management in Europe

Authors: ALBIZZATI, Paola Federica; FOSTER, Gillian; GAUDILLAT, Pierre; MANFREDI, Simone; TONINI, Davide

Policy briefs and reports

Policy briefs and reports published by the BounCE4ward team.

Science for Policy Report (2023): Analysis of Circular Economy Research and Innovation (R&I) intensity for critical products in the supply chains of strategic technologies


Authors: BALDASSARRE, Brian; BUESA OLAVARRIETA, Alejandro; ALBIZZATI, Paola; JAKIMÓW, Małgorzata; SAVEYN, Hans; CARRARA, Samuel

2 MAY 2023
Technical Report (2023): A systematic analysis of EU publications on the Circular Economy

Authors: BALDASSARRE, Brian; SAVEYN, Hans

Conferences and proceedings

The members of BounCE4ward take part in a number of scientific conferences to maximize dissemination of the work in the different workstreams of the project.

BounCE4ward participated in the "Re-think Circular Economy Forum 2023" in Taranto, with a presentation titled "The circular economy in the European Union: Status quo and future perspectives".

BounCE4ward participated in the "JOURNÉES TECHNOLOGIQUES TITANE 2023" Conference in Lyon, with a presentation about the circularity status quo and future potential in the EU titanium metal supply chain.

BounCE4ward is participating in the DSA Conference 2023. Specifically, the BounCE4ward team participated in panel P80 "Global China and the (re-)making of Europe's 'inner peripheries': The local effects and agencies of Chinese infrastructure investment in the EU's green transition" with a presentation on "When de-carbonisation meets de-coupling: managing EU-China interdependencies in the PV sector".

BounCE4ward is participating in the 5th "Product Lifetimes And The Environment" (PLATE) Conference in Helsinki, organized by Aalto University, with a presentation about the circularity in the EU of titanium metal supply chain. Specifically, the work belongs to session 8.1 “Critical value chains: material flows and product engineering”.

BounCE4ward participates in the 1st "International Round Table on materials Criticality" (IRTC) Conference in Lille, with a poster presentation about the circularity status quo and future potential in the EU titanium metal supply chain.