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Alessandro Dosio

Portrait of Alessandro Dosio


Alessandro Dosio is a senior scientific officer at the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC), where, since 2006, he is the responsible person for regional climate change modelling.

His work relates primarily to the production, evaluation, and analysis of climate change projections at regional scale (in particular Europe and Africa) for the assessment of the impact of climate change on different sectors (floods, droughts, crop yields, etc.). He is also investigating the present and future occurrence and severity of weather and climate extreme events, such as, but not only, heat waves, at both global and regional scale.

He is actively involved in the World Climate Research Programme initiative CORDEX (Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment).

He has been nominated Lead Author for Chapter 10 “Linking Global to Regional Climate Change” of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group I contribution to the 6th Assessment Report. He has also contributed to the Summary for Policy Makers, the Technical Summary,  Chapter 1 and the Regional Atlas.

Alessandro is listed in the Reuters Hot List of the world's most influential climate scientists.

He has been the JRC principal investigator for the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) projects MEDIATION, and IMPACT2C, specifically designed to quantify the effect of a 2ᵒC global warming over several sectors in Europe, and the FRACTAL — Future Resilience for African CiTies And Lands project.

Alessandro holds a degree in physics from the University of Milan (Italy) and a PhD (cum laude) from the Meteorology and Air quality Section of Wageningen University (the Netherlands). Before joining the JRC he worked for the Netherlands Organization for Applied Research and the U.K. Natural Environmental Research Council.